Title: One Chance (Hogan Brother’s Book 1)
Author: KL Donn
Release Date: Early May 2017
Cover Model: Robert Simmons
Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs
to your #TBR: http://bit.ly/2jOgfSn
One word that could ruin a person.
One word that can change a life.
One word that can destroy a mind.
Sophia Bennett heard it all her life. Smart, sweet,
and shy, she hesitated to voice her ideas and opinions in fear of hearing that
dreaded word, “Don’t be stupid, Sophia.”
She became introverted, quiet. Talking to people
became a struggle she fought to control. She turned into a woman she never
thought she’d be.
Seen but never heard.
Appearance became everything.
around the edges Lennox Hogan is knee dip in shit – literally. Building
a garden for his mother with his younger brothers, when the most beautiful creature
he’s ever seen stops by to visit their mother for their weekly book chat.
fake smile and sad eyes draw him in.
intoxicating innocence has him obsessed with the need to know everything about
unknown threat has them questioning everything about her life.
soon makes it his mission to convince her to give him One Chance, but will she
after her world crumbles
#About the Author
Amazon bestselling author of The Protectors Series
and The Possessed Series.
I'm never quite sure what to say here.
So here goes...
I'm a Canadian girl through and through, I love the
mountains, yet I hate the snow. The summer here gets HAWT and I wish it was
year round.
Some of my favorite things are cookie dough ice
cream from Marble Slab, every Die Hard movie made, and crime drama shows on TV.
I swear like a sailor, don't do frilly girly things.
BUT I love when my husband treats me like a queen.
I take photos for fun, and write to breathe. I love
to be as creative as I can, when I can.
These are some of my favorite things about me. Do
you wanna know the best part of me?
My family.
My mom and Grandma have supported me through every
bad decision, and cheated on the good ones. They're strong woman who I look up
My husband, Steven, Scuba Steve, we've been together since I was
17, had our first baby, Savannah, when I was 18, and were married when I was
19. 3 boys, Chase Liam & JD, and 12 years later our family is complete.
Without their constant support (And sometimes
badgering) I don't think I would be the woman I am today.
#Follow the author
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2hVhBXG
Twitter: @Author_KLDonn
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2jozXVn
Website: http://bit.ly/2iQndUy
Email: authorkldonn@gmail.com
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2du8Amd
Newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/kldonn
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